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CKAN API: Basics


params: Parameters to pass to the action function. The parameters are specific to each action function.

  • fl (text): Fields of the dataset to return. The parameter controls which fields are returned in the solr query. fl can be None or a list of result fields, such as: id,name,extras_custom_schema_field.

    Example All datasets with the fields id, name, title and a custom schema field extras_inspire_id:
  • fq (text): Any filter queries to apply.

    Example All datasets that have tag economy:
  • rows (int): The maximum number of matching rows (datasets) to return. (optional, default: 10, upper limit: 1000 unless set in site’s configuration

More info: CKAN API Documentation and

List datasets by fields

Request: {ckan-instance}/api/3/action/package_search?fl=id,extras_publisher_name


"help": "{ckan-instance}/api/3/action/help_show?name=package_search",
"success": true,
"result": {
"count": 32,
"facets": {},
"results": [
"id": "e4a607d0-0875-4043-b8c7-36f731ba5ca8",
"publisher_name": "Example publisher"
"id": "5319a6b3-f439-4f53-9732-71699b9f62c8",
"publisher_name": "Example publisher"
"id": "02a30269-7665-4f6a-a43d-c288003f5cbb",
"publisher_name": "Example publisher"
"sort": "score desc, metadata_modified desc",
"search_facets": {}

All datasets in organization (with some fields)

Request: {ckan-instance}/api/3/action/package_search?fq=organization:iepnb&fl=id,name,extras_alternate_identifier&rows=100


"help": "{ckan-instance}/api/3/action/help_show?name=package_search",
"success": true,
"result": {
"count": 56,
"facets": {},
"results": [
"id": "fe757d64-436c-482d-b65b-f24348139fd6",
"name": "example_dataset_1",
"alternate_identifier": "IDEXAMPLEDATASET1"
"id": "fc21c1a5-4c02-4157-9d2f-9a2cd200f908",
"name": "example_dataset_2",
"alternate_identifier": "IDEXAMPLEDATASET2"
"id": "fb326c11-18d4-4ee1-aa23-a40cb90cf8d8",
"name": "example_dataset_3",
"alternate_identifier": "IDEXAMPLEDATASET3"
"sort": "score desc, metadata_modified desc",
"search_facets": {}

All info about a dataset by field

Request: {ckan-instance}/api/3/action/package_search?q=name:"spa_example_dataset_1_2023"


"help": "",
"success": true,
"result": {
"count": 1,
"facets": {},
"results": [
"author": "Test Author",
"author_email": "",
"creator_user_id": "47c7f1b1-0ef5-4d7b-b43c-811c51c9e349",
"id": "c322307a-b871-44fe-a602-32ee8437ff04",
"isopen": true,
"license_id": "cc-by",
"license_title": "Creative Commons Attribution",
"license_url": "",
"maintainer": "Test Maintainer",
"maintainer_email": "",
"metadata_created": "2021-04-09T11:39:37.657233",
"metadata_modified": "2022-05-20T09:20:43.998956",
"name": "sample-dataset-1",
"notes": "A CKAN Dataset is a collection of data resources (such as files), together with a description and other information (what is known as metadata), at a fixed URL. \r\n\r\n",
"num_resources": 9,
"num_tags": 8,
"organization": {
"id": "1fa89238-ee96-4439-a885-22d15244d070",
"name": "sample-organization",
"title": "Sample Organization",
"type": "organization",
"description": "This is a sample organization.",
"image_url": "2022-05-20-084702.929838siurana.jpg",
"created": "2021-04-09T14:27:17.753798",
"is_organization": true,
"approval_status": "approved",
"state": "active"
"owner_org": "1fa89238-ee96-4439-a885-22d15244d070",
"private": false,
"state": "active",
"title": "Sample Dataset",
"type": "dataset",
"url": "",
"version": "1.0",
"groups": [
"description": "",
"display_name": "Test Group",
"id": "5d423f6b-137e-4d15-a156-868763fa7a64",
"image_display_url": "",
"name": "test-group",
"title": "Test Group"
"resources": [
"cache_last_updated": null,
"cache_url": null,
"created": "2021-04-09T14:31:09.032858",
"datastore_active": true,
"description": "This is a sample resource added via url.",
"format": "CSV",
"hash": "",
"id": "e687245d-7835-44b0-8ed3-0827de123895",
"last_modified": null,
"metadata_modified": "2021-04-09T14:31:09.021596",
"mimetype": "text/csv",
"mimetype_inner": null,
"name": "sample-linked.csv",
"package_id": "c322307a-b871-44fe-a602-32ee8437ff04",
"position": 0,
"resource_type": null,
"size": null,
"state": "active",
"url": "",
"url_type": null
"cache_last_updated": null,
"cache_url": null,
"created": "2021-04-09T14:31:45.092631",
"datastore_active": true,
"description": "Sample csv (uploaded).",
"format": "CSV",
"hash": "",
"id": "b53c9e72-6b59-4cda-8c0c-7d6a51dad12a",
"last_modified": "2021-04-09T16:13:57.353205",
"metadata_modified": "2021-04-09T16:13:57.367140",
"mimetype": "application/csv",
"mimetype_inner": null,
"name": "sample.csv",
"package_id": "c322307a-b871-44fe-a602-32ee8437ff04",
"position": 1,
"resource_type": null,
"size": 6731,
"state": "active",
"url": "",
"url_type": "upload"
"tags": [
"display_name": "csv",
"id": "b5e651dd-8f42-445c-b9c4-2f09a3268427",
"name": "csv",
"state": "active",
"vocabulary_id": null
"display_name": "economy",
"id": "0c4f9ad5-a372-4bda-a59b-e560cf264b0f",
"name": "economy",
"state": "active",
"vocabulary_id": null
"extras": [],
"relationships_as_subject": [],
"relationships_as_object": []
"sort": "score desc, metadata_modified desc",
"search_facets": {}